Meet the Research Team
Principal Investigator

Associate Professor (tenured) of Medical Physics

Assistant Professor, Collaborator on the Quebec SmartCare Consortium

Associate Investigator, RI MUHC & Assistant Professor, Ingram School of Nursing

Associate Professor, Collaborator on various projects

Professor at the School of Public Health of the Université de Montréal

Advanced Radiation Oncology fellow at the MD Anderson Cancer Center

Assistant Professor, Collaborator on NICE radiobiology projects

Adjunct Professor, Collaborator on NICE radiobiology projects

Associate Professor, Co-founder of the Opal Health Informatics Group
Opal Health Informatics Group Management
Opal Health Informatics Group Team

Product Support Specialist

Social Media Coordinator, Patient Partner
PhD Students
MSc Students
Undergraduate Students
Former Opal Health Informatics Group Team
Former Postdoctoral Scholars

Former Postdoctoral Scholars
Former PhD Students

PhD Student, Former MSc Student
Former MSc Students
Former Undergraduate Students
Former Laurie J. Hendren Scholars

Former Laurie J. Hendren Scholars

Laurie J. Hendren Scholars

Laurie J. Hendren Scholars
Former MITACS Summer Students
Former Summer Students