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What’s happening in the Kildea lab

Announcing the Quebec SmartCare Consortium!

We are pleased to announce that John Kildea is principal investigator and Tarek Hijal is clinical lead on a major new $10M research project funded by the Quebec Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation and a number of private partners via the FACS accelerator fund (Fonds d’accéleration des collaborations en santé). Known as the Quebec SmartCare Consortium, this new initiative is bringing together major Quebec players in the mHealth and AI industries to make healthcare data in Quebec more accessible to patients, clinicians and researchers.

Congradulations to Kayla O'Sullivan-Steben on graduating with an MSc degree from McGill University!

Kayla graduated from the CAMPEP-accredited Medical Physics program at McGill University with an MSc degree in Medical Radiation Physics.

Congratulations to Kayla O'Sullivan-Steben for receiving a Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral award!

As part of her CGS-D-funded PhD studies in Physics at McGill, Kayla will undertake research in the Kildea Lab to develop novel algorithms and technology to facilitate digital twinning as a means to improve oncology treatments.

Kayla O'Sullivan-Steben wins People's Choice Award for her poster at the 2021 AAPM Big Data Workshop!

Congratulations to Kayla who won the People’s Choice award for her poster presentation entitled “Design and development of a novel infrastructure to securely share radiation therapy and imaging data through direct patient data sharing”.at the virtual 2021 AAPM Big Data Workshop!

Congratulations to Felix Mathew for his most recent paper on the use of NLP to assist incident reporting and learning in radiation oncology!

This publication is the end result of an undergraduate term research project by McGill Computer Science student Hui Wang. It describes our approach to combine natural language processing and supervised machine learning to help automate incident classification in radiation oncology.

Congratulations to Logan Montgomery for successfully defending his PhD thesis!

Congratulations to Dr. Logan Montgomery who successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Spectral measurements and carcinogenic effects modelling of secondary neutrons in radiation therapy”. Logan is the first PhD student to obtain a PhD from the Kildea lab!

Congratulations to Logan Montgomery for his publication in Physics in Medicine & Biology!

This is Logan’s third and final paper directly related to his PhD studies but it is Logan’s six paper as part of the NICE research team and his seventh in the Kildea lab!

Congratulations to Hossein Naseri for his publication in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics

Hossein’s paper is our group’s first publication on using Natural Language Processing - a pipeline that we have been working on for several years as part of our larger program to predict pain in patients with bone metastasis.

Felix Mathew wins People's Choice Award at the 2021 AAPM Slam Competition!

Congratulations to Felix Mathew who won the People’s Choice award and the runner-up overall award for his 3-minute slam describing his research project at the virtual annual conference of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine!

Presentation by Haley Patrick at the COMP ASM 2021

Haley presented her work studying the relationship between daily rectal wall dose variations during prostate radiotherapy with rectal volume and gas filling information.