Anton Gladyr is a full-stack software developer at the O-HIG team who joined Opal in 2018 as a summer intern and throughout the years participated in Opal development as a student and part-time employee, eventually joining the team on a full-time basis. Currently, Anton participates in the Quebec SmartCare Consortium project, where he contributes to the back-end and front-end development of the Opal mobile application as well as Opal’s internal management systems and tools. During development, Anton closely collaborates with all O-HIG development team members and follows modern software development best practices, so the Opal app meets the patients, doctors, and clinicians needs.
Anton was previously a master’s student in Computer Science at McGill University. Under Dr. Kildea’s supervision, he designed and developed a secure and patient-controlled system for data donation in the Opal patient portal app using blockchain technology as part of his MSc project. Also, Anton’s work in Kildea’s lab includes the development of features and services for the Opal portal: (i) automatized questionnaires for patients. (ii) a user-friendly interface for visualizing historical trends of completed questionnaires. (iii) a service for auto-generating medical reports based on the patient-reported outcomes.
MSc in Computer Science, 2019-2021
McGill University
BSc in Computer Engineering, 2016-2019
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Ukraine
Junior bachelor in Maintenance of Computer Systems and Networks, 2012-2016
College of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Ukraine